Throne of Glass

What is the main setting in the novel, Throne of Glass?


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The novel is set on the fictional continent of Erilea, a somewhat traditional fantasy setting in which the King of Adarlan has taken over many surrounding territories and soon plans to take even more. The novel beings in the salt mines of Endovier, where criminals are sentenced to life-terms under brutal settings. The average life expectancy in these mines is only a handful of months, as the cruel guards kill often and with little provocation.

The captial of Adarlan, Rifthold, is in many ways now the center of the continent of Erilea. In the center of the city is the glass castle, which looms with transparent towers over the city. However, inside the glass castle is the stone and mortar castle of Rifthold that serves as the kingdom's center, and has done so for centuries. In fact, the castle is so old that few inhabitants know of all it's secrets. Large systems of secret tunnels and passageways lead to areas of the castle that have not been in use for centuries, and many of these passages lead in and out of the castle freely, or allow people to spy on important meetings meant to be kept a secret from all but the King's closest advisors. Many amongst the nobility in the castle do no work and simply pass their time idly, but many of the soldiers and servants are lively and even friendly towards Caleandra once she arrives.

