Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All

How does the author use juxtaposition in the novel, Thirteen Doorways, Wolves Behind Them All?


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Author, Laura Ruby, uses juxtaposition to add interest by highlighting the similarities between Pearl and Frankie Mazza. Frankie Mazza is a teenager who lives in an orphanage in Chicago and Pearl Brownlow is the ghost of a teenager who seems destined to walk the streets of Chicago. On the surface, it may seem they have little in common. However, their lives intertwine with Pearl serving as the narrator for Frankie's experiences, which often mirror Pearl's experiences before her death. Pearl has new experiences through Frankie's life, both are young teens as America plunges into war, and both lose their first loves. While they have experiences in common, there are also some contrasts, such as the actions of their brothers – one has a brother who pledges his love with the other has a brother who murders.

