Thinking, Fast and Slow

What is the author's perspective in the nonfiction book, Thinking, Fast and Slow?


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“Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman is written from the perspective of an expert and practitioner. Along with being a psychologist, he is an expert in the field of behavior economics, winning the Nobel Prize in Economic Science in 2002. Not only does he site numerous behavioral and psychological testing and research in “Thinking, Fast and Slow,” he has often led and been in the thick of many of these projects.

In this work he has not trusted his own knowledge and experience alone; he has called on numerous colleagues and peers to support the assertions that he makes about the two systems of thinking that human beings use to make it through each day and to make it through their lives. He cites many research studies, experiments and the results of the testing of many control groups that help tell the story of human thinking.

