Thinking, Fast and Slow

According to the author, what are two examples of overhyped fear as noted in the nonfiction book, Thinking, Fast and Slow?


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Two examples of overhyped fear are the Love Canal incident in 1979 and the Alar scare of 1989. A toxic waste accident occurred on Love Canal that received intense everyday coverage ultimately resulting in the expensive relocation of Love Canal residents by the government. When the air cleared, no evidence that the situation presented a real danger to anyone was ever uncovered. The other example is the Alar scare of 1989. Apples were sprayed with Alar to regulate growth and improve their appearance. The scare started with speculation that the chemical caused cancer in tumors in rats and mice. The subject dominated the news culminating in the banning of the chemical by the FDA. It was later proved that the chemical had only a small risk if any. In today’s world it is terrorists who benefit from the demagoguery that takes over the public airways for even minor or non-existent terror incidents. The number of people who succumb to terrorism is only a fraction of people killed in traffic accident

