These Violent Delights

What is the narrator point of view in the novel, These Violent Delights?


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The novel is told in the third person point-of-view but shifts frequently between the main characters. The prologue starts from an unknown narrator’s point-of-view to reveal the existence of the monster so that the reader knows that it is real. Then, Juliette and Roma are the most frequently used characters and share about equal page time. However, while each chapter is close to the character in question, the narrator roams freely between them. This includes characters such as Kathleen, Rosalind, and Benedikt. These shifts in narration can occur within the chapters themselves and the narrator sometimes remains the same from one chapter to the next. Occasionally, the narrator keeps the character they are following ambiguous, such as Rosalind’s chapter where it is heavily implied that it is her, but is not confirmed until Juliette’s next section. There is also a single chapter where both Juliette and Roma are being followed by the narrator who flows freely between the thoughts of both characters. This creates an interesting dynamic between the two as it establishes the similarities and differences in how they perceive the world and each other in one fluid chapter.

