There's Something I Want You to Do: Stories

What is a short summary of the story, Gluttony, in the collection, There’s Something I Want You to Do: Stories?


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Gluttony takes place in Minneapolis and follows the previously established character of Elijah. In this story, Elijah’s son—Raphael—is a high school senior and is dating a college freshman named Donna. One day, Elijah and his wife Susan learn that Donna had become pregnant by Raphael, and had had an abortion. Elijah and Susan accept this information with general indifference. However, Donna’s parents—Eleanor and Herb Lundgren—are devout Christians who view abortion as a sin. Eleanor and Herb arrange a meeting with Elijah and accuse him of failing as a father. Elijah leaves the Lundgrens’ in anger. While driving back towards his own home, he accidentally crashes his car. He is badly injured, but he manages to call 911.

