There's Something I Want You to Do: Stories

What is a short summary of the story, Avarice, in the collection, There’s Something I Want You to Do: Stories?


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Avarice follows the same characters as Loyalty, but with a focus on Dolores. Dolores is an elderly widow, and she is also Wes’ mother. She lives in Wes’ house, along with Astrid, Jeremy, Corinne, and Lucy (the daughter of Wes and Astrid.) Dolores is a devout Christian. One day, she feels a lump in her breast that might be terminal breast cancer. Dolores thinks of her husband, Mike, who was killed by a drunk driver. The drunk driver was given a long prison sentence, but the prison sentence is now finished, and the driver has been released. Dolores sometimes imagines killing the drunk driver, but she actively dismisses these thoughts in favor of thoughts of peace and forgiveness.

