The Wife Upstairs

Where did Jane grow up in the novel, The Wife Upstairs?


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Jane spent the large majority of her childhood in foster homes in Phoenix after her mother abandoned her and disappeared out of her life. At one point, she was placed with a horrible man named Mr. Brock who was cruel and despicable. He refused to take one of her foster-sisters to the hospital when she got pneumonia, and the young girl died. Later, he had a heart attack in front of Jane and Jane allowed him to die rather than help him. Jane is terrified that someone is going to find out what she did and send her to jail, but the only person trying to reach her from Phoenix is her biological aunt. Jane pretends she is someone else, though, to eliminate any chance of being accused of the crime, even at the expense of losing her last chance at contact with her family.


The Wife Upstairs, BookRags