The White Spider: The Story of the North Face of the Eiger

Who led the first team to ascend the North Face of the Eiger in 1938 as noted in the nonfiction book, The White Spider: The Story of the North Face of the Eiger?


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Andrel Heckmair was an experienced climber and led the team that first ascended the North Face of the Eiger in 1938. He originally started out with his partner Ludwig Vörg, but was joined by other climbers on the way. Heckmair was the most masterful climber among the four and led the party. During the avalanche the party endured at the Spider, Heckmair held himself in place with his axe and grabbed on to Vörg to keep him on the mountain.


The White Spider: The Story of the North Face of the Eiger, BookRags