The Way to Rainy Mountain

How does Momaday use adjectives and descriptive phrases to show profound respect for Rainy Mountain?

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N. Scott Momaday writes beautifully. The emotional and spiritual bond between Momaday and his subject matter is palpably communicated by the reader. The reader cannot fail to miss the reverence in which Momaday holds his ancestors. When Grandmother Aho is described, the reader feels a calming sense of respect was over him. Mammedaty evokes a strong feeling of strength. Likewise, the reader is immediately connected with the physical landscape of Rainy Mountain. The earth is integral to the Kiowa and Momaday transmits a feeling of respect for nature to the reader. Momaday writes in a soft-spoken sort of manner that effectively instills the reader with a feeling of awe at the might of the Kiowa people.

