The Vile Village

How is the Village of Fowl Devotees described in the novel, The Vile Village?


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The Village of Fowl Devotees (V.F.D.) is the village chosen to raise the Baudelaire children. The entire countryside surrounding the village is flat, dusty, and barren. When the children look around after stepping off the bus, they can't even see any buildings. All they see is a black haze shimmering above the horizon. As they approach the village, however, they realize that the black haze is not shadows, as they had expected, by a massive murder of crows: "Crows were covering all of the trees, from the very top branches to the roots poking out of the crow-covered ground...crows were covering the lampposts and flagpoles, and there were crows lying down in the gutters and resting between the fence posts" (p. 29).

