In Chapter One, we meet Natalia, who is a more than slightly enigmatic character driven by two main motivations - her love for her grandfather, and her determination to do well by the children who trust her to take care of them. That determination manifests in this chapter in her undertaking the perilous journey to Brejevina, and in her immediate concern for the digger child, which foreshadows events in Chapter 8 in which she forces an elder in the digger community to authorize medical treatment for the girl and for all the other digger children. Other important foreshadowings include the references to the paintings of the dog in the home of Barba Ivan and Nada, which foreshadows the eventual revelation about the dog's owner (Chapter 5), the relationship of the owner to Ivan and Nada (Chapter 10) and, perhaps most importantly, the hinted-at secret activity of a man who might be Ivan in Chapter 13.
The Tiger's Wife: A Novel