The Thief Lord (BookRags)

Find one quote of Prosper being intelligent or aware in the book and add page numbers.

find one quote of prosper being intelligent or aware in the book add page numbers

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From the text:

“For the hundredth time, she closed her eyes so she could see another room in her mind’s eye, one with a curtain full of stars, and a mattress surrounded by books that whispered their stories to her at night.” pg. 235

Since they had begun to fend for themselves, Prosper had learned how to steal. Only food at first, but then money too. He hated it. He always got scared and his fingers started to tremble every time. Bo, however, thought it was an exciting game. Prosper had forbidden his brother to steal anything and he told him off very harshly every time he caught him. He certainly didn’t want to give Esther a chance to say that he had turned his little brother into a thief. Pg. 9


The Thief Lord