The Tenth Circle

Who is Daniel Stone from The Tenth Circle and what is their importance?

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Daniel Stone is the father of Trixie and husband of Laura. He is a cartoonist, who has been the stay-at-home parent for Trixie for her entire life. Daniel has invested everything into his family and can't figure out how to hold his family together when he realizes Laura is having an affair and Trixie is becoming more distant with him. Daniel loved Laura as a young man and when Laura demands that he settle down, he does so. Daniel notes that Laura has always been the more stable of the two and that he wouldn't have expected her to become the person who cheated in their marriage. Daniel is absolutely certain that Laura is having an affair but doesn't know what to do about it. It's Daniel who's at home the night Trixie and Jason have sex and Trixie accuses Jason of rape. Daniel knows instinctively that something is wrong even though Trixie is in the bathroom with the door locked, and he breaks the door in order to find out what is wrong. Daniel is a native of Alaska and was wild during his younger years, at least partly because he was harassed because he was part white. Daniel fights because of this harassment and he soon has a reputation for his temper and wild ways. Daniel's best friend is an Eskimo who kills himself. Daniel is initially blamed for the death but is later exonerated. Daniel leaves Alaska as a young man and never returns, even for his mother's funeral. Daniel travels to Alaska after Trixie runs away because he wants to find her but it is also a quest for Daniel to confront his roots.

