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Maria quotes Jesus, "Be not solicitous" which she interprets as "Don't worry", because it makes no sense to worry. They are a family of thirteen, who for months to come has no home or country. Six concerts "would provide for three weeks' living". They have no friends in Scandinavia. The don't know the language. War is in the air. Maria notes humorously that God could have shown them his plan ahead of time, since He fixed for enough concerts, money, and helpful people to come to the family's aid in the nick of time. "But then we . . . would not have learned that valuable lesson, so He left us in the dark . . ."

In September, 1939, foreigners are asked to leave, borders are closed, and concerts cancelled because the war breaks out. Mr. Wagner provides tickets back to America. Maria responds incorrectly when an Immigration officer asks how long she plans to stay. The entire family is held prisoner for several days at Ellis Island. People of every nationality accompany them. They learn that a group of Chinese folks have been there for months. Someone explains that "The State pays for it all". They are told that if America deports you, the ship line pays for your return. If the other country doesn't accept you, you travel back and forth continually at no cost.

The family makes the best of prison. They sing to pass the time, and this makes them popular with their fellow prisoners. Ironically, through the bars they can see the Statue of Liberty. On the outside, their friends are writing to senators and congressmen. Their honest intent is soon confirmed and the family is set free and allowed into America.