The Secret History of Wonder Woman

Marjorie Wilkes Huntley is an omnipresent individual throughout the book yet very little I known presented about her. What are some reasons this might be?

Wilkes Huntley seemed to be an unofficial 3rd wife to Marston, yet we here very little of this. Why is this?

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Last updated by Jill W
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Majorie Wilkes Huntley was the sometimes domestic partner of the entire Marston family. Marston met Huntley while helping the shell-shocked soldiers returning from World War I. It is unclear if Huntley and Marston had a sexual relationship but she would spend months at a time living with the family. She remained close to Olive Byrne and Sadie Elizabeth Holloway until her death. There is little known about her whereabouts when she was not with the Marston family.

