The Searcher

The searcher Tana French

what are five significant events that occur in chapter 9? the chapter as a whole in the searcher by tana french

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In Chapter 9, Cal visits Fergal O’Connor. Fergal admits he has not talked to Brendan, but assumes he is “grand” (160). Fergal thinks that Brendan got spooked by something, but does not think he was kidnapped. He does say that Brendan borrowed some money from Fergal a few days before he disappeared, but he had not seen him since.

Cal next talks to Eugene Moynihan. He chooses to act like a hick with Eugene, an ability he has come to realize has its benefits. Eugene claims he does not know where Brendan is and he does not care. Eugene says that he knows that Brendan had a plan to make money. Eugene had decided it was probably a bad plan because Brendan had panicked when some cops walked past them.

As Cal works through the information he has gotten so far, he realizes that this is the first time he has ever taken on a case willingly. He never had to consider before if a case was beneficial to society. He hopes that he is doing the right thing.