The Ruby in the Smoke

Who is Mrs. Holland from The Ruby in the Smoke and what is their importance?

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Mrs. Holland is the main antagonist of the story. She owns a boarding house in Wapping, and seems to be quite influential in London's criminal underworld. She is completely obsessed with the Ruby and is determined to have it for herself. She believes that the Ruby should rightfully be hers and regards everyone else who claims it to be a thief. This is because Mrs. Holland has a history connected to the jewel. She was once a beautiful young woman living in India, where all the local men, even the Maharajah, desired her. The Maharajah wanted to be with her, so he bought her love with the Ruby. He promised it to her, but then went back on his word and refused to give it to her after he had gotten what he wanted. She was furious, and so she let in the rebels, leading to the Maharajah's death. Unfortunately for her, by this point the Maharajah had already given the Ruby to Lockhart. Lockhart gave it to Marchbanks in return for his baby, Sally. Now Marchbanks intends to pass it down to Sally. This is why Mrs. Holland resents Sally so much and is determined not to let her get her hands on the jewel. In Mrs. Holland's eyes, it is rightfully hers, not Sally's.