The Paper Magician

What is Thane's heart?


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Thane’s heart becomes not only a setting for the novel (see Settings section), but a symbol as well. Thane’s heart becomes symbolic of love and creation, and everything that makes up a human life in terms of memories, hopes, fears, dreams, and darkness. Thane’s heart is also representative of his love of creation. Thane’s heart becomes contested by Ceony and Lira. Lira first steals Thane’s heart metaphorically, falling in love with him years before the events of the novel. She later physically steals his heart in order to claim it as a prize out of some sick, twisted conception of love. As Ceony navigates Thane’s heart, she falls in love with him and sparks romantic feelings for her in Thane. That Ceony ultimately comes into possession of Thane’s heart is symbolic for the love that is growing between them. Ceony wants Thane’s heart not as a trophy, but to restore him to life because she is in love with him. Love is not taking, but giving. Lira wants to take Thane’s heart, Ceony wants to protect and give Thane’s heart to Thane.