The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates

Who is Wes Moore, the prisoner, in the book, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates?


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The other Wes Moore, the prisoner, had very similar beginnings in that he grew up on the streets of Baltimore. The differences were that his father was alive and useless to him, as opposed to dead. Everyone in his family was poor, uneducated, and had no chances for improving their lives. Indoctrinated into the drug trade while his age was still in the single digits, he rose up to become a dealer with his own crew. On their best days, they could bring in $4,000 in one day. Nothing was ever enough for him, though. He kept working the streets, getting deeper and deeper. There were a few times when he had opportunities to get out, but they did not last. Nothing could compete with the easy money of dealing. Eventually, he was arrested for being part of an armed robbery of a jewelry store that left a police officer dead. Although he denied ever being involved in the crime, he was sentenced to life in prison.

