The Mark: The Beast Rules the World

Who is Hannah Palemoon from The Mark: The Beast Rules the World and what is their importance?

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Hannah Palemoon is the nurse who sews up the cut on David's head after he passes out. She also sees the mark of Christ on David's forehead and takes his phone. When David wakes up in the hospital, he frantically searches for the phone, imagining that someone might have received private phone calls that would compromise members of the Tribulation Force. After David finally tracks her down, she says that she does have his phone and that she has something to show him.

When the two meet, Hannah shows David her forehead, with her own mark of Christ. She helps David through his recovery and helps him locate his fiancé who was killed by a bolt of lightening. Hannah also helps David, Mac and Abdullah figure out how to leave Carpathia without being killed, and she becomes one of the newest members of the Tribulation Force.


The Mark: The Beast Rules the World