The Map of Salt and Stars

How does the author structure the novel, The Map of Salt and Stars?


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The novel is split into five different parts, represented by the countries that both Nour and Rawiya travel through. The first is Syria, where both girls begin their journeys. The second is Jordan, where Nour learns she can never return home and both Abu Sayeed and Bakr die protecting Nour and Rawiya, respectively. The third is Libya where Nour is separated from her mother and Rawiya saves the expedition from both Manned and the Roc. Then there is Algeria, where both girls experience their last big struggle before going to Ceuta, the final section. Each of these sections are divided into chapters with names, such as “Where the Camel Sleeps” (73) and “Sea of Blood” (167) that represent an important event from either Rawiya or Nour’s stories.

