The Man Who Saw Everything

What is the narrator point of view in the novel, The Man Who Saw Everything?


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The first 14 chapters of the novel are told entirely from the point of view of the protagonist, Saul Adler. However, after the twist in the narrative in which the author reveals that Saul is remembering, misremembering, and embellishing these incidents from his youth whilst in a hospital after being seriously injured in a car crash in his early fifties, the use of point of view in the novel changes significantly. The rest of the novel is dedicated to revealing the gaps and inaccuracies in Saul’s point of view – for example, by revisiting his proposal to Jennifer in a way which explains the event from her perspective and gives the reader a deeper understanding about what really happened. Overall, the novel is an exercise in viewing events from different points of view and the way that different perspectives lead to different interpretations and differing meanings.

