The Love of My Life

What is the most important, if not main, setting in the novel, The Love of My Life?


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Alnmouth, Northumberland is the most important setting of the novel, although it is not the primary setting. Emma has a strong connection to Alnmouth that begins in her childhood. Her father takes her there as a child during their summer trips to Scotland, fortifying a significant emotional connection between Emma and Alnmouth. The Rothschild have a cottage in Alnmouth as well, and Emma spends time with Janice there while she is pregnant. Emma returns to Alnmouth in times of significant emotional distress, partially to maintain the connection between her and the baby she gave up for adoption, and partially as a sanctuary for her grief. Emma frequents Alnmouth throughout the course of her marriage to Leo. The climax of the story takes place in Alnmouth when Charlie and Emma find Janice there.

