The Letter

Who is Richard “Rick” Craig?


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Richard “Rick” Craig is Tina’s first husband. He is an abusive alcoholic who makes promises to change his ways but never does. When Rick learns that Tina is pregnant, he begs her to return to him. He promises their lives together will be different. Rick turns back to his old ways quickly after he and Tina are reunited. The first time he hits Tina, Rick lies and tells her that she fell into a banister. Tina pretends to believe him but knows he is lying. When Rick finds the letter that Billy wrote to Christina, he does not pay attention to the date and assumes that it is to his wife from her lover. He punches her in the stomach without even giving her a chance to explain. When he realizes what he has done, Rick writes the single word “sorry” (249) on the back of Billy’s letter and leaves his home. He is later discovered dead. The police believe he choked on his own vomit.