The Letter

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This novel covers two different distinct time periods: 1939-40 and 1973-74. The action switches between these two time periods. The story starts in 1973 with exposition about Tina’s abusive relationship and her discovery of the letter. The exposition continues when the time setting switches to 1939 in Chapter 4. The author begins Chrissie and Billy’s story. By Chapter 9, Chrissie has discovered she is pregnant and Billy has written the letter to her explaining that even though he was spooked by her announcement she was pregnant, he wants to marry her. The action in Tina’s story rises as she returns to Rick when she discovers that she is pregnant. Part 2 ends with the death of Tina’s baby and Rick’s death. Meanwhile, Dr. Skinner has assured himself that Billy and Chrissie will not be able to reunite because he has sent Chrissie to Ireland where her baby will be born and then given up for adoption.