The Last Black Unicorn

What is the importance of the Laugh Factory in the memoir, The Last Black Unicorn?


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In school, Haddish's antics landed her in the principal's office multiple times. One of these times, her social worker met her there and presented her with two options: therapy, or Laugh Factory Comedy Camp. Afraid of the drugs pushed by therapists, Haddish opted for comedy camp. Here, she was presented with the opportunity to hone her skills and learn how to compile routines. She did so well at camp, that she was offered stage time at $10 to $15 per set, "just enough to cover bus fare" (34). It was small, but Haddish felt validated that she was finally "on [her] way" to achieving her dream (34). Currently, she still views the Laugh Factory is her "home," a place she enjoys performing and whose audience always receives her well (215).

