The Infinite Sea

Comment on language and style.


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"The Infinite Sea" is written using casual, informal language that parallels modern American vernacular and which is conducive to being understood by the target audience of young adults. Occasional allusions to pop culture shows the timeframe in which the novel is set is in the not-so-distant future. By providing background information pre-apocalypse as well as during the early stages of the alien invasion, the author offers readers an opportunity to examine the differences between the past and present, ultimately creating empathy for these characters who are so like modern youths.

Scientific terms are used in regards to the alien invasion and their technology, but this jargon is explained to enhance comprehension. The novel also contains allusions to the Bible, mythology and pop culture. Repetition is often used to reinforce certain concepts, such as "I am humanity" and "the Earth is my charge." Along with the emphasis on the importance of promises, this enhanced comprehension of the characterization of the novel's world. The distribution of exposition and dialogue is fairly equal, allowing narrators to present various viewpoints, while the emotions expressed elicit empathy for the characters. Overall, the novel is easy to understand, despite the abstract nature of its topics and themes.

