The Hidden Life of Trees

Who is Peter Wohlleben, author of the nonfiction book, The Hidden Life of Trees?


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Wohlleben, the author of the book, is a forester who has cared for a forest in Germany for over 20 years. This forest is in Hümmel, in the Rhineland-Palatinate region. Wohlleben began reforming its forestry practices in 1994 and has continued to this day. He offers guided tours of the forest for people to explore how trees function and co-exist, there is one scheduled in the summer of 2017 that will be based around this book. He also founded a burial ground in the forest, in which the urns are placed under trees. These projects help to fund the conservation of the forest rather than logging, which was the previous source of revenue.

Wohlleben was born in Bonn in 1964 and later moved to Sinzig. He attended the Rottenburg University of Applied Forest Sciences where he received his diploma as a forester, or forest engineer. He began working for the German government, but since he saw that the regulations were harming the ecosystem he made himself independent to be able to conserve the forest.


The Hidden Life of Trees