The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching
What comprises Buddhism?
Buddha's teachings are transmitted through Source, Many Schools, and Mahayana Buddhism. The teachings were divided in several ways over time and for four hundred years were transmitted orally until they were written by an arrogant monk who had memorized them all. Many people misunderstood or misinterpreted the teachings, and Hahn gives an example of a misinterpreted passage. To find the truths within all the translations and branches of Buddhism is a complex process of comparison. In 1 or 2 B.C., a bodhisattva was put forth by the Mahayana, and Buddhism continues to be revised and refined. The Buddha said, "My teaching is like a finger pointing to the moon. Do not mistake the finger for the moon." It is said that if you try to explain every word of the sutras, you slander Buddha in past, present and future, but if you miss one word, you risk speaking the words of "Mara," or the temptress. The teachings are meant to awaken our true self and "not merely add to our storehouse of knowledge." Buddha did not want to contribute to theory with words or notions.