The Giver
In the book The Giver what does the communities treatment of asher demonstrate
The book the giver

The book the giver
Asher is Jonas's best friend. He has a habit of mixing up his words; a habit which early chastisement with the Discipline Wand at the age of three did not eradicate. In one recollected scene, he asks for a "smack" instead of a "snack" and is repeatedly hit. This treatment caused him to stop talking altogether for a time, but essentially he remains an easygoing boy with a good sense of fun. At the ceremony of Assignment, he is made Assistant Director of Recreation, an occupation which everyone feels will be entirely appropriate for him. After Jonas has been assigned to The Giver, the two friends fallout, Asher not being able to understand Jonas's objections to a goodies-baddies game he has been playing with friends.