The Girl Who Wrote in Silk

How are Mei Lien and her personal history important to the novel, The Girl Who Wrote in Silk?


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Mei Lien is a 17-year-old Chinese girl living in Seattle during the time of the anti-Chinese riots that see the rounding up of all Chinese people for passage on the Prince of the Pacific. Mei Lien is thrown overboard by her father while still in sight of land in order that she will be saved from the death that awaits all others on board.

Mei Lien is saved by Joseph, with whom she falls in love and is married. Expertly taught in embroidery by her grandmother, Mei Lien decides to create a symbolic robe detailing her history for her son, Yan-Tao.

Faced with racism, Mei Lien clings to Joseph and does all she can to protect her son. When Joseph dies, Mei Lien is devastated. When Mei Lien herself realizes she is dying of cancer, she sells the family land to Campbell, and has Elizabeth take in Yan-Tao. Mei Lien commits to finishing the sleeve and hides it away in her son’s secret hiding place so he may one day find it, then drowns herself.


The Girl Who Wrote in Silk