The Girl Who Smiled Beads

Who is Claire from the book, The Girl Who Smiled Beads?

The Girl Who Smiled Beads

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Claire is Clemantine's older sister. When she and Clemantine were girls, their parents sent them away from Kigali, to stay at their grandmother's farm. When armed men came to the farm, the girls were forced to flee. In the months and years following, Claire assumed the role of her sister's caretaker. She worked tirelessly not only to keep them safe, but to secure jobs and earn money. When a CARE worker from Zaire named Rob asked Claire to marry him, Claire agreed, believing marriage was the only way out of the refugee camp. Over the years, Rob became increasingly abusive. Even after Claire became pregnant multiple times, Claire never gave up on Rob. She hoped in America he might change.

After Claire, Clemantine, Rob, and the children moved to the States, Claire's marriage worsened. She was left alone to care and provide for the children. Once Clemantine moved out of Claire's apartment, the sisters saw each other less frequently. Claire's refusal to discuss the past, frustrated and isolated Clemantine. Despite their disagreements, Clemantine realized she owed her life to Claire.

