The Gilded Ones

What is the main setting in the novel, The Gilded Ones?


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Otera is the kingdom in which the novel takes place. There are no other kingdoms referenced in the novel, so it appears to be the only one on Deka's planet. Otera is broken into the North and the South. Centuries ago, the tribes of the South conquered the North and forced it to join the One Kingdom: Otera. The people of the South have dark skin, and the people from the North have white skin. Deka's mother is from the South, but her Father is from the North. White Hands eventually reveals the truth to Deka: the Gilded Ones were four goddesses who had many children with humans. Together, the Gilded Ones and their daughters had united the kingdom of Otera. But then their sons had locked them up, seized power for themselves, and told the world that the goddesses were demons to be feared, as were the alaki and the deathshrieks.

