The Gate of Angels

How many notes are waiting for Fred when he returns to his room at the beginning of the book? Who are the notes from?


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There are three notes waiting on Fred when he returns. The first note is from the Master. The Master is admitting that he recognized Fred's footsteps a little while ago in the court. Since Fred changed the direction of his usual path, the Master was at first confused, then annoyed. So, he is sending Fred a note in the interest of truth. The second note is from Skippey, who is asking Fred to be a debater at the next Disobligers' Society meeting. He will be defending the "soul." Fred is now a non-believer. So, his stance will be in opposition to his beliefs. Ther third note is from an acquaintance, Holcombe. In his note, Holcombe is continuing a previous conversation about the subject of Fred and "marriageable" women. He reminds Fred that he will lose his fellowship if he marries. He won't be allowed at St. Angelicus. It is better for Fred not to meet any women.