The Fall of Gondolin

Who is Meglin?


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Meglin is the son of Turgon’s sister, Isfin and a dark-elf that forced her to marry him after the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. After Isfin and Meglin arrive in Gondolin, Meglin is treated like Turgon’s son despite his background. However, Meglin becomes infatuated with Turgon’s daughter, Idril, and becomes incredibly jealous of Tuor for their marriage. Because of this, Meglin willingly betrays the people of Gondolin to Morgoth and persuades Turgon to remain in the city to ensure their destruction. However, Morgoth removes Meglin’s ability to feel happiness or connect with any of the Noldoli after his betrayal. Meglin is killed by Tuor during the battle after Meglin tries to kill Eärendel and kidnap Idril.