The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell

Who is Psychologists/Doctors from The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell and what is their importance?

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Medical professionals are extremely important in this work. is two-fold. They help Huxley understand some of what happens to him under the mescalin experience. Being able to better knowledge how his body and mind are reacting to the drugs helps Huxley separate what is truly visionary and what is simply a side effect. The medical professionals also assist him in explaining mescalin's physical and psychological effects, as well as some of the theories on drug use that exist in the medical community. This is important because Huxley has many opinions on what is happening to him in the sense of visions, but without the knowledge provided by doctors to help him explain the physical effects, his work could be taken as little more than the ramblings of someone under the influence of drugs.


The Doors of Perception, and Heaven and Hell