The Cat Who Went Underground

How does Lilian Jackson Braun use imagery in The Cat Who Went Underground?

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"As he watched the rain cascading off the cabin roof, he thought, Iggy might have been injured when the roof of the east wing collapsed; he might have been killed; his body could be lying under the rubble; it might have been blown into the woods, along with sections of the roof and siding. Qwilleran realized he should investigate, but the rain deterred him, and he lacked ambition" (Chapter 15, pg. 183.)

"Koko struggled and yowled in protest as Qwilleran hauled him back and used his other hand to feel for the treasure. It was a shoe- a canvas shoe with shoelaces. Inside the shoe was a foot, and connected to the foot was a leg" (Chapter 15, pg. 187.)


The Cat Who Went Underground