The Book of M

What is the narrator point of view in the novel, The Book of M?


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The Book of M is split into four narrators who are spread around the country and come together throughout the novel. Three of them are told in the third-person limited. The first is Ory, who starts his journey near Arlington, travels to D.C in search of Max, and joins everyone else in New Orleans. The second is Naz which follows her and her sister, Rojan, during their escape from Boston and eventual arrival in Washington D.C. The final third-person narrator is the amnesiac man, whose sections are titled “The One Who Gathers,” even though he does not assume that title until much further into the novel. All three of these characters show a different side of the conflict, with the amnesiac man spending most of his time in New Orleans, while Ory and Naz eventually travel there to try and find a cure.

However, the fourth narrator, Max, is the most unique, as it is the only one told in first-person limited. This is because she is telling her story through a recorder that Ory gave her before she ran away.

