The Book of Goose

What does The Crystal Heart represent?


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The image of a crystal heart symbolizes Fabienne’s apparent resilience, as well as her isolation from the wider world. Early in the novel, Agnès notes that “some people are born with a special kind of crystal instead of a heart… these people, who look no different than others, can sail through life without illness, injuries, or broken hearts… Fabienne is one” (26). Here, the crystal heart acts as a metaphor for Fabienne’s strength and implacability. To Agnès, her friend seems as immune to “illness, injuries, [and] broken hearts” (26) as a piece of crystal. Importantly, the crystal heart also gestures towards Fabienne’s alienation from others. Her crystal heart renders her markedly different from those around her; ultimately, Fabienne’s realization that she cannot connect with others causes her great pain.