Thank You For Your Service

What personal experience prompted Fred Gusman to open the Pathway Home as noted in the nonfiction book, Thank You For Your Service?


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Fred Gusman is the director of Pathway Home a PTSD program in California. Fred has his own experience with PTSD because his father had been in World War II. When he came home from his time in the war, he began beating Fred with a belt for little or no reason.

Fred left a high level job at the VA in order to open the privately funded Pathway. He was promised that he would be able to run his treatment center with no interference from private insurance or the VA. He believes the only way for a soldier to be able to come to terms with what happened to him in combat is for him to be able to stay in treatment as long as that soldier feels necessary. Fred additionally believes it is not only combat that makes a man come home with mental issues but also what happened to him before he ever went into the service.

