Thank You For Your Service

What is the author's tone in the nonfiction book, Thank You For Your Service?


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The tone of this novel is one of hopeful desperation. Finkel describes the destructive nature that PTSD and TBI has on both the veterans and their families. Even though the army realizes how traumatic these illnesses are on the soldiers and their families, and are working to find ways to help these soldiers, there have been no connections made between the soldiers that commit suicide. The fact that there have been no successful treatments found for these mental illnesses, the soldiers and their families feel depressed and desperate for help.

The hope in the novel comes from human nature. The women stay with their soldier husbands even though they are violent and unpredictable because they hope they will turn back into the men they were before they went to war. There is also hope because the army does continue trying to find answers to the question of soldier suicide in order to help those who suffer mental illnesses.

