Tess of the Road

symbolism of Dulsia


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Dulsia is a representation of inner beliefs that Tess has never confronted. Throughout the journey, Tess and Pathka have avoided major towns and cities. Therefore, Dulsia is the first example of a harlot she has seen outside of her own home. But, Dulsia herself immediately challenges everything Tess’ mother told her as a child. As a person, Dulsia is friendly to Tess, and shows her that women like her are not defenseless sinners. Some choose to do what they do because they have no other choice. Dulsia also represents the understanding that Tess always wanted, but was never allowed to have, particularly when addressing the physical relationship between men and women. Dulsia is what allows Tess to later have a fulfilling relationship with Josquin, as she finally understands that love is meant to be an equal partnership.