Tenth of December: Stories

How have parental voices and/or authoritative cultural ideas shaped the thoughts and actions of Kyle, Alison and the Kidnapper?

"Victory Lap" by George Saunders

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In the story "Victory Lap," young Kyle Boot is a faced with a moral dilemma. He has been taught all of his life by his meticulously strict parents not to interfere in other people's business. When he sees his next door neighbor being abducted, Kyle struggles with his conscience. He weighs what might happen if he acts against what might happen if he chooses to interfere in Alison's abduction. In the end, he does what is right by rescuing Alison, a rescue that is successful.

One of the ideas that is stressed in the story is the difference between the two children. Allison is petted, perhaps spoiled by her parents. She believes that all the world is good and that all who meet her will love and adore her. Kyle is loved by his parents, but they are very strict with him. Almost too strict. Kyle loves Allison. He believes she is the most beautiful girl that he has ever met. The two had been friends and had grown up with one another. Allison, however, has grown to be disdainful of Kyle. In her opinion, he is a loser.

