Thou Art That

What is Zoroastrianism as noted in the book, Thou Art That?


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Zoroastrianism is a faith arising in Persia that preaches a God of Light, Justice, and Wisdom, Ahura Mazda, who creates the world perfectly good, and a "Deceiver," Angra Mainyu, a God of Evil, darkness, hypocrisy, violence, and malice, who introduces evil into this world. Until the last day, the "Reckoning of Spirits" (Armaggedon), the world lives in this mixture of light and darkness. On the last day, Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra) comes in a second incarnation and restores peace, light, and virtue forever. The influence of this myth on Genesis is obvious. It also provides the background for the The Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, a document found at Qumran in the mid-20th century, from the community that produces John the Baptist.

