Sundays at Tiffany's

Who is Vivienne from Sundays at Tiffany's and what is their importance?

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Vivienne is Jane's mother. She appears at first to be the stereotypical controlling mother. She criticizes Jane's appearance, even when Jane is a child, and later discusses her weight, her clothes, her hair, and other aspects of her appearance. A famous producer, Vivienne is very successful in many ways, and her appearance and lifestyle reflect this: she often travels, leaving Jane without a parent present, which may explain Michael's appearance in the first place. However, as the book goes on, she reveals more vulnerability, discussing her own mother, who died very young. In addition, when she is in the hospital, she only wants to see Jane and apologize, confessing her great love for her daughter. Though the character is immensely unappealing at first, Jane eventually comes to terms with the way her mother actually is - versus how her mother wishes to be seen - before she dies.