Sundays at Tiffany's

Who is Michael from Sundays at Tiffany's and what is their importance?

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Michael is something of a conundrum in the book. He is part-imaginary friend and part-angel. Hee eventually becomes human through his love for Jane. We can see inspiration for his character in other creative works: "The Velveteen Rabbit," for example, in which love makes the rabbit real, or "City of Angels," in which a guardian angel falls in love with a human. Nevertheless, Michael has more of a sense of humor about his situation, and often seems just as baffled as the reader regarding questions of his origin. He is kind, but very protective - not just of his children, but also of other characters, particularly women (such as Patty). Moreover, he has a motley lists of likes, which include boxing and contemporary singers. He enjoys rich food, which eventually gives him a heart attack when he becomes human.