Strange the Dreamer
Rising action in Strange the Dreamer
Rising action
Rising action
After reading the Prologue, in which, a girl with blue skin falls from the sky. The novel's rising action follows Lazlo Strange, an orphan. Lazlo was raised by the monks in the Zemonan Abbey, where Brother Cyrus told him stories about the mysterious city of Weep, and Lazlo would pretend to be one of Weep’s fierce Tizerkane warriors. When Lazlo was 13 years old, he went to the Great Library of Zosma on an errand and was taken in as an apprentice. Over the next seven years, Lazlo earned the title “Strange the Dreamer.” Thyon Nero, a famed alchemist, then requested the book that Lazlo had been writing, documenting his life’s studies and musings. Lazlo had already helped Thyon years ago by giving the alchemist a storybook that held the secret to transmuting golds. After fulfilling the unappreciative alchemist’s request, Lazlo spots a great white bird and the arrival of a legion of Tizerkane warriors in Zosma.
Strange the Dreamer