I need to know things about a book called Stormbreaker?
i need to know some quots i could use frome it

i need to know some quots i could use frome it
"When the doorbell rings at three in the morning, it's never good news." Chapter 1, Funeral Voices, pg. 1
"He couldn't see. He couldn't move." Chapter 2, Heaven for Cars, pg. 21
"The man fired. There was no explosion. The gun spat at Alex and he felt something slam into his heart." Chapter 3, Royal and General, pg. 37
"Dead meat. Suddenly he knew how it felt." Chapter 4, 'So What Do You Say?', pg. 55
"'Double O Seven? Double O Nothing's more like it.'" Chapter 5, Double O Nothing, pg. 61
"Sleep took a long time coming to the dead man's bed." Chapter 7, Physalia Physalia, pg. 99
"So she knew he was lying to her. Not a good start." Chapter 8, Looking for Trouble, pg. 111
"Alex knew he was in trouble the same way an animal does." Chapter 10, Death in the Long Grass, pg. 135
"He had followed a trail left by a dead man. It was only now that he realized it might lead only to a grave." Chapter 11, Dozmary Mine, pg. 162
"It was their job to kill him. It was what they'd been trained for." Chapter 16, Twelve O'Clock, pg. 221
"Alex had refused her offer of a peppermint, although he was beginning to realize it was all the reward he was going to get." Chapter 17, Yassen, pg. 223
"'Killing is for grown-ups and you're still a child.'" Chapter 17, Yassen, pg. 234