
Who is Alexia Tarabotti from Soulless and what is their importance?

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Alexia Tarabotti is the heroine of the book. She is Soulless. Soulless people in London at this time are preternatural beings. She has the ability to touch a werewolf or a vampire and make them lose their supernatural powers. The vampires draw in their fangs. The werewolf changes back into a man. Her touch is dangerous to the supernatural realm. She is a very smart woman. While she always appears attractive, she isn't caught up in the fashions of the times. She isn't the giggly, empty-headed female that men expected in Victorian England.
Alexia is not afraid of anything. She jumps right into the mystery of the missing werewolves and vampires in this book. She finds her soulmate when she and Maccon finally decide to admit their love. She works with a man and is not intimidated by him. She makes an excellent partner for the alpha male werewolf. As the book ends, she marries Maccon. It is clear that they will work together to keep London safe for both the supernatural and the natural. Queen Victoria recognizes her good sense and strength. Alexia is asked to become part of the Shadow Panel to be the pivotal point on the council.